When you need a warm, comforting hug and feel the kitchen reaching its arms out to you, this is the recipe you should make.
Oozing with familiar flavours and perfect for pairing with a glass of your favourite red wine, this dish is simple and absolutely delicious.
As with everything I cook, it's easy enough to swap out any ingredients you don't like or don't have, apart from the sauce. This recipe follows the same method you would use for a carbonara sauce, so it needs to be done right. I'd also recommend keeping the wine in, too...

Sausage, Leek & Sage Pasta
Serves 2
4 of your favourite sausages (these could be veggie)
2 leeks, sliced
Small bunch fresh sage
200g dried pasta of choice - I used pappardelle
2 eggs
1/2 cup grated Parmesan
Enough black pepper to get you sneezing
Small knob of butter
Oven cook your sausages as per pack instructions - 20-25 minutes should do it.
Meanwhile, mix both of the eggs with half of the Parmesan and set aside.
Put the pasta on to boil and in a separate pan, fry the leeks in a little butter over a medium heat.
Once the sausages are cooked, slice them and add them to the pan with the leeks as they begin to soften. Add the sage leaves, too.
Once the pasta is al dente, use tongs to transfer it to the pan - don't tip the water away! This is crucial to your sauce. Add 1 cup of the pasta water to the pan and take it off the heat, allow it to cool just slightly before the next step (this is what will prevent your eggs from scrambling)
Add the egg mixture to the pan and give everything a good toss before adding the rest of the Parmesan and loads of black pepper. You should be left with a silky, cheesy sauce with no lumps.
Pour a glass of wine and enjoy!