Every year on my husband’s birthday I like to throw a little dinner party for the two of us. It’s nice to make a fuss of him and cook something a little bit special for a change. I theme it differently every year, and this year was a White Party (because we watch a LOT of Below Deck 😂)
This year the menu was:
Ricotta & Red Pepper Pesto Bruschetta
Traditional Carbonara
Cookies & Cream Birthday Cake
All delicious and very enjoyable, but the star of the show for both of us was the pesto… so here you go!

Roasted Pepper Pesto
2 red peppers, halved and reseeded (I used 1 bell and 1 sweet pointed)
Good glug off olive oil
2tbsp Chopped hazelnuts
Half bunch Basil
50g grated parmesan cheese
Generous punch of coarse salt
Preheat the oven to 180. On a baking tray, drizzle the peppers with a smidge of olive oil & a sprinkle of salt - roasted for about 30 mins, then set aside.
Once the peppers are cool, blitz them in a food processor to start breaking them down. Then add the nuts and basil. Blitz again.
Add the olive oil in small parts and blend in between until your desired consistency is reached (I wanted this one on the thicker side so didn't add too much or blend for too long)
Finally, add the parmesan and season with salt to taste.
This was absolutely incredible over toasted ciabatta with ricotta cheese and fresh tomatoes. Absolutely will be making this again!