You know sometimes you just want absolutely banging flavours? Something to excite your taste buds and wake them up a little? This combination of Ras el Hanout for lamb and harissa roasted carrots did the trick for us.
These carrots are entirely inspired by Mob's harissa carrot recipe, but I felt the lamb needed a little oomph to go with them, so I landed on Ras el Hanout. Only problem being I didn't have any in the cupboard! Here's how to fix that..,

Ras el Hanout Spice Mix
1/2tsp each cayenne, black pepper, all spice, mixed spice, turmeric
1tsp each salt, nutmeg, coriander, cinnamon, cumin, ginger, paprika
Combine all spices and use as a rub for sumptuous lamb steaks!