Simple and delicious, that's the best combination, and that's exactly what this recipe offers. If you need a go-to dish that's quick and requires minimal washing up afterwards, try this one pot 4 ingredient recipe.

Simple 4 Ingredient One Pot Orzo
200g orzo
½ head of broccoli, chopped finely
Parmesan cheese, grated
500ml Chicken stock
Optional: leftover roast chicken
Make up your stock before adding it to a large saucepan. Pour in the orzo and broccoli – if there’s not quite enough liquid to cover, add a little more water until everything is just submerged. Cook on a medium heat for about 15 minutes.
Mix in as much grated parmesan as you please while there is still a little water left at the bottom of the pot.
If you want to add any extras, such as leftover roast chicken, add them once the pasta is cooked, but allow them to heat up fully.
You should be left with a thick, glossy, salty sauce – serve piping hot and enjoy.